
Long-term sustainability at the core of our actions

The resort is seamlessly integrated into the steep terraced landscape of the Ayung River gorge. The tiered structure of the villas and pools follows the natural contours of the land, creating a harmonious blend with the surrounding environment. Hanging Gardens of Bali incorporates sustainable and responsible tourism practices that respect and contribute to the preservation of the local environment. In addition, Hanging Gardens of Bali has undertaken efforts to preserve and protect the natural environment surrounding the resort, which remains in its original condition. The efforts also include the implementation of energy-efficient technologies, such as LED lighting, and energy-efficient appliances, to reduce the resort’s energy consumption and carbon footprint. 

Water conservation is also important, water conservation measures have been implemented, including rainwater harvesting, water recycling, and the use of water-efficient landscaping practices. In addition, we have reduced the consumption of single-use plastic such as straws, disposable cutlery, and plastic bottles within the resort premises. Our water sterilization and purification systems provide guests with safe and clean drinking water. This can include the use of filtration systems and UV sterilization. Waste reduction and recycling: establishing waste reduction and recycling programs to minimize the amount of waste sent to landfills. This includes composting organic waste, recycling materials, and encouraging guests to participate in sustainable practices.

Finally, we prioritize the use of locally sourced and sustainable materials, as well as supporting local communities through responsible procurement practices. This extends to the sourcing of food and beverages for the resort’s dining facilities.

In addition, Hanging Gardens Of Bali use to be a precursor in sustainability and is the founder of The International Flower Competition (IFC) Foundation.

During the Covid-19 Pandemic, as many people were forced to stay at home and avoid activities outside their home, and many workers were working from home, the amount of free time at home makes people feel bored. The International Flower Competition (IFC) Foundation initiated a flower gardening competition in front of villagers' houses of Banjar Susut, Payangan and it resulted numerous new floral creations in the rural village.